GSCI TI-GEAR-MR6C Precision Thermal Clip-on Scope
GSCI TI-Gear-MR6C Precision Thermal Clip-On Scope
The MR6C is a professional grade clip-on sight made for adding thermal vision to your existing daytime scope.
GSCI's MR6C is designed for both professionals, as well as firearms enthusiats. It is a robust reliable tool for long-term intensive use in any enviroment.
- No Magnification
- Objective Lens: 50mm
- Field of View: 8.7"x6.5"
- Focusing Range: 1.5m - Infinity
- Display: .6in Diagonal 800x600 AMOLED
- Digital Magnification: 1X, 2X, 4X
- Optimal Dayscope Magnification: 3X - 12X
- IP67 Enviromental Rating
- Made in Canada, ITAR-Free