GSCI QRF-1200 Quick Acquisition Advanced Laser Rangefinder
GSCI QRF-1200 Quick Acquisition Advanced Laser Rangefinder - "How far is that moose?"
The QRF-1200 is a compact range finder that uses lasers to figure out how far away a target is. It also has a built-in GPS and compass, Can also measure speed, heading direction and track angle. Perfect for spotters, snipers or precision shooters. Uses IR laser or Red or Green visble lasers
GSCI's QRF-1200 is small, mountable on most of their scopes/sights/monoculars.
- Ranging Capability: 3m - 1200m
- Minimium measuring time: .4s
- Distance Units: Meters or Yards, User selectable
- OLED Display,
- Laser Class: 1 (Eye-safe)
- Power Source: 2 CR123
- IP67 Enviromental Protection